How to book a stay at the research station
- Contact Arctic DTU on phone or mail about initial needs and when you wish to stay with us
- Please fill in the form
- As soon as you have booked your tickets write a mail to with the following information:
- Date and time of arrival and departure + flight number
- Purpose of the stay (teaching /research /other)
- Attach the form
You will receive a confirmation of your application. 14 days before arrival, you will receive information about the accommodation that has been reserved for you. We try to meet all wishes but it will not always be possible.
For longer stays at campus, as PhD, postdoc or associate professor, you must find your own apartment in the city. We can often help you with accommodation in our facilities for the first 3 months and help you find your own flat through our cooperation with the municipality.
You will be billed at the end of your stay. Please contact Tina Chapman at arrival.